Both the announcement that the Consell will pay 50% of the public transport tickets by road and the free of charge kindergartens of Cas Serres, Es Fameliar and Ses Païses, caught the president of the Govern, Francina Armengol, by surprise who said she found out about both issues yesterday, during the institutional speech of Vicent Marí.
Although she celebrated “the line of improvement in terms of bus fares announced by the president of Ibiza”, Armengol criticized the Consell for not having contacted the central government to negotiate and communicate their intentions. In passing, she reproached the insular institution that has “still not completed the new concession for public transport”.
Francina Armengol on free kindergartens
Regarding the free kindergarten centers of the Consell, she called the initiative “very good”, but regretted that only these centers have been taken into account, “leaving out many families and without talking to the municipalities or the complementary network” .
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.