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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two more emblematic stores for Formentera

The supermarket Can Forn and the fashion shop Macramé are the new additions

The catalogue of Emblematic Shops of the Balearic Islands has just added two more establishments of Formentera in its official list. They are the supermarket Can Forn and the clothing shop Macramé, both in Pla del Rei street, in the town of Sant Francesc.

This catalog is promoted by the Conselleria Balearia de Empresaemployment and Energy, through the general direction of Enterprise, Self-Employment and Commerce and the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands (IDI)with the collaboration of the Consell Insular. Thus, Formentera now has eight emblematic establishments registered in this catalog.

The project “Comercios Emblemáticos de les Illes Balears” (Emblematic Shops of the Balearic Islands) “arises from the need to to protect the commercial activity of proximity and, more specifically, that of the establishments with the longest tradition in the municipalities”, states the informative note. One of the objectives of this project is to make known the uniqueness of each municipality through its emblematic commercial establishments.

Can Forndedicated to the sale of groceries, closer to what used to be a grocery store and which over the years has not changed its line, has been included in the catalog for its rooted in history. This trade opened its doors in 1958and received the sant Jaume award of the Consell de Formentera in 2019.

In the case of the fashion store in Macramé, is an establishment also rooted in the island and has been open for years “adapting to new market trends that have made him parade several times in the Fashion Runway”.

Tienda de moda Macramé en la calle Pla de Rei en Sant Francesc.

Macramé fashion store in Pla de Rei street in Sant Francesc. CIF

Thus, the six other Formentera businesses registered in the catalog are the ovens of Can Jeroni, Can Manolo and Sant Ferran, all of them dedicated to the elaboration of bread and pastries; the bookstore and stationery store Tur Ferrer; Sa Farinera, dedicated to the sale of agricultural and animal products, and Tejidos J. Marí Serra, where fabrics and household linen are sold.


IDI has published a manual so that they can be their own municipalities of the islands to identify the businesses in their municipalities that meet the requirements to be emblematic. In fact, a series of categories have been established to unify the criteria among all the participants in the project. Thus, a business can be classified as rooted (with a singular trade or product), with history (with more than 75 years of life as a general rule, with exceptions after 50 years of age), and with heritage (with outstanding architectural elements). Establishments that meet these three categories are emblematic.

Currently, there are 28 municipalities throughout the Balearic Islands with a total of 317 catalogued businesses. In Santa Eulària there are five, Sant Josep another five and in Formentera eight. By category there are 87 emblematic establishments, 103 others with roots and history, 28 with heritage and history, 51 with history, 40 with roots, six with roots and heritage and two with heritage.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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