The deputy of Formentera, Antonio Sanz, yesterday brought forward the six motions for resolution presented by the coalition he represents (GxF-PSOE-EU) in the general policy debate of the Parliament.
The first deals with the development of the decree of the Balearic Law of Maritime Transport to define the first and last connection, all year round, between the Pitiusas, as well as the regulation of traffic of commercial lines to avoid simultaneous departures, without forgetting one day boating excursions in the summer months.
Another of the approved proposals has to do with the implementation, all year round, of the 061 emergency service which is currently only present in the summer months.
In the educational field, Antonio Sanz managed to approve “the continued expansion and reform of educational facilities, carrying out the expansion and reform project of IES Marc Ferrer”. Shortly before the approval of this proposal, the Minister of Education of the Balearic Govern, Martรญ March, responded to a control question from Antonio Sanz, saying that the expansion project of the only institute on Formentera is already budgeted at 700,000 euros and that the expansion will not be four classrooms, as originally planned, but seven.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.