Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Riding the feminist wave in Ibiza

The participants in the first two round tables called for more education in equality

Educating in equality, from early childhood, and involving men in the feminist movement. These are the two main fronts needing to be tackled immediately to prevent the perpetuation of inequality between men and women and to put an end to male violence, something on which the participants in the first round tables of the ‘Aules Feministes’, inaugurated yesterday, agreed.

Riding the feminist wave in Ibiza
Riding the feminist wave in Ibiza. ZOWY VOETEN.

“Women are already riding the fourth feminist wave and men are on the shore, wondering if the water is cold”. The image of Enrique Urbano Ángel, member of the association Homes Transitant, unleashes the applause of the hundred attendees (all women, except for two men) on the first day of the second edition of ‘Aules Feministes‘. It is very visual. It sticks to the brain like chewing gum. And it’s funny. It’s a pity that a good part of the politicians who, two hours earlier, occupied the front rows of the auditorium of Can Ventosa, now empty, were unable to listen.

Riding the feminist wave in Ibiza.
Riding the feminist wave in Ibiza. ZOWY VOETEN.

They inaugurated the lectures, held “in the same place where in 1867 there was a revolution of spinners, the embryo of an important women’s trade union”, says María Durán i Febrer, director of the Institut Balear de la Dona (organiser of the conference with the collaboration of the Pitiusan councils and the Ibiza Town Hall) from a lectern through which parade a good part of these politician. The mayor of Ibiza, Rafa Ruiz – “I’m not going to tell you how tiring it is to wear purple glasses” -; the councillor for Equality of Formentera, Vanessa Perellada – “it is essential to incorporate men into the feminist battle” -; the president of the Consell de Ibiza, Vicent Marí – “equality must not be an ideal, it must be a reality”; the Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop – “the pandemic has lifted the veil of equality that we thought we had”; and the president of the Govern, Francina Armengol – “poverty and job insecurity have a woman’s face”. Statements, some with the tone of a rally more than an inauguration, which were made before a good number left in a stampede (Marí and Ruiz heading to the meeting for the aids to autonomous), leaving the front rows clear for the first round table of the afternoon: ‘Intergenerational vision of feminism’.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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