The Govern has asked the Supreme Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (TSJB) for authorisation to demand that the public provides covid certificates for sporting and cultural events, which would allow them to double their maximum capacity. Meanwhile, the Executive ruled out requesting this same certificate for customers of bars and restaurants, as proposed last week.
With the new measures approved yesterday, the only flexible opening hours in the Pitiusas are in Formentera, where the hotel and catering sector may open until 2am as from today, an hour more than before. This same time restriction, which lasts until 6am, applies to the ban on meetings between non-cohabiting people. In Ibiza, bars and restaurants must continue to close at 1am and indoor tables are limited to a maximum of four people, while on the terraces this increases to eight. From now on, these restrictions will be reviewed weekly, depending on the incidence of covid and hospital pressure, instead of every 14 days as before.
In the rest of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca will also continue for another week with the same restrictions as before, while in Menorca all night-time restrictions for social activities will be lifted due to its better epidemiological situation.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.