The spring officially began earlier this week with pleasant temperatures and clear skies that have remained in Ibiza and Formentera until today. According to data from the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), throughout the day today, the maximum temperatures have oscillated, like yesterday, between the 18 and 24 degrees. The skies, however, were cloudy at certain times.

Today Thursday in #IllesBalears,

– Predominance of little cloudy sky with some high clouds

– Tmax similar to yesterday’s or slightly higher, between 18 and 24ºC.

– Wind from south component.#HappyMeteorologicalDay2023

– AEMET_Baleares (@AEMET_Baleares) March 23, 2023

For this weekend, the weather agency forecasts similar temperatures. In the case of Friday, the minimum temperature stands at 12 degrees and the maximum at 19. Exactly the same as on Saturday. As for Sunday, the minimum will remain the same and the maximum will rise up to 23 degrees.

Skies will be predominantly clear although with cloudy intervals on all three days. There will also be weak wind gusts of between 5 to 25 kilometers/hour.


Weather forecasts for this weekend in Ibiza Aemet

On the other hand, the probability of precipitation will remain reduced to zero percent throughout the weekend.