The Consell de Ibiza has launched an online platform to “help citizens”. Under the name IDIS (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Health), this space was created as the resource portal for users to go when they have questions for these departments.
“It is a living tool that will be constantly updated,” said the councilor of Social Welfare, Carolina Escandell yesterday at the portal’s launch. And anyone can make contributions so that the platform integrates all the information that is useful for both residents and tourists.
In the area of equality there are two sections: gender violence and equality policies, where all programs and projects carried out on the island by the Oficina de la Dona and the Department of Social Welfare appear. In addition, multimedia resources and telephone contacts and addresses of related entities are provided. “It is important that if, for example, a woman suffers abuse, she can go to the page to know what to do and not have to look for where to go to do everything,” said Escandell.
As for diversity, the user can find information on LGTBI by the Servicio de Atención Integral (SAI) and also the area of Social Welfare. Likewise, the page contains all the documentation on the Strategic Plan on sexual, family and gender diversity, as well as all the entities that work on issues related to LGTBI policies.
In the inclusion section you can find information about the Cas Serres Occupational Center for people with intellectual disabilities with all the activities and services that are on offer. In addition, there is a space dedicated to the Advisory Service and Labor Insertion for People with Disabilities (SAIL-PD). It is also possible to request the service for evaluation and recognition for assistance dogs. Associations working on aspects related to inclusion are also listed.
Health Services
The last section is devoted to health and includes activities aimed at different audiences, as well as all the functions and projects of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Addictive Behaviors (Cepca) and sports facilities that are under the jurisdiction of the Consell. Likewise, guides to healthy habits from health centers will be included along with information from the Health Department of the Pitiusas.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.