The commemoration of the 25N still focuses some of the events of the weekend, with lectures, cinema, or self-defense. But cultural and leisure activities make their way in a few days to enjoy.
As they will do in Formentera on Saturday with his party Flower Power or in Sant Miquel on the same day with the Fira de sa Patata Eivissenca.
There will be a art festival against war in Sant Antoni, and Mal del Capwhich closes its days with humor, cinema and music, and more music with Óscar Avendañoex SiniestroTotal, who will present in Eivissa a book on Friday at Can Jordi and a new album with The Bo Derek’son Saturday at Teatro Ibiza, and with a new proposal from Eivissa Clàssicaby Ether Ensemble.
There is also a new session of solidarity magic in favor of those affected by the dana, several theater plays, humor with ‘I survived EGB’ at the Pereyra and circus and music with alice in Tangoland‘ at the same venue, Saturday and Sunday.
The IEE is organizing two very interesting events, a tribute for the 50th anniversary of the uc’s first album friday and a recital on the figure of the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés this Thursday.
And in Vila on Sunday the I Party for Inclusion. But there is so much more…
‘Pornography. Accés e impacte en l’adolescència’.
Presentation and screening of the documentary by IbDona. From 12 years old. 7 pm at the Teatro Espanya in Santa Eulària. ‘Querido capullo’. Feminist reading club on the book by Virginie Despentes. 19.30 hours at the Casal d’Igualtat de Vila. ‘There will always be tomorrow’. Screening of the film by Paola Cortellesi (Italy, 2023). Cycle for the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Multicines Eivissa at 8 pm. Free admission. Poetry ‘El buenamor’. Slam poetry with Alejandsra Martínez de Miguel. From 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Centre Cultural Cervantes in Sant Antoni.
‘Eivissa per la pau. No a la guerra'[Eivissaforpeace
Far de ses Coves Blanques of Sant Antoni
9.30 hours:
Visit of the course of Plastic Arts of the Escola d’Art d’Eivissa, by the teacher of Julia Fragua, where solidarity donations will be delivered. 19.30 hours: Inaugurations of painting, sculpture and photography exhibitions, interactive space, dance-performance with Claudia Reig Martín, music with Franco Botto and video art with Miquel Farriol, Juan García-Gatica – Antònia Torres Tur, Claudia Reig Martín and Esteban García Torres.
Festival Mal del Cap
Stand-Up with Yunez Chaib, Vanesa Valero and Didac Alcaraz. From 7 pm at the auditorium of Can Ventosa. Cinema: Screening of the short films selected for competition in the youth section, at the youth center C19 in Vila.
Contacontes de Tardor de Santa Eulària. goldilocks’, in English, by Elàstic Nou Produccions. From 3 years old. 5 pm at the library of Santa Eulària.
Naughty stories. Storytelling for the International Day of Persons with Functional Diversity. By Maritzatejecuentos. At 5 pm at the reading point of Sant Ferran. From 3 years old.
VI Jornades d’Estudis Locals de Memòria Històrica’. l’Exili II’.
20 hours:
vicent Marí de Can Morna’, by the art historian Iñaki d’Erostegui Aznar. 20.30 hours: l’exili de Vicent de na Dolors i Carles Bertazioli seons les memòries dels seus fills’, by the researcher Luis Ruiz. 9 pm: Questions and closing by the Councillor for Culture of Vila, Carmen Domínguez.
Vespreig Estellés. Poetic recital with snack dedicated to the figure of Vicent Andrés Estellés by the Grup de Teatre del Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs (IEE), directed by Vicent Tur and with music by Albert Oliva. Teresa Navarro, Imma Puerto, Eva Tur Antonio, Neus Cardona, Montserrat Montés, Vicent Tur and Magda Wauquier. Open microphone for anyone who wants to read poems. At 8 pm at Teatro Ibiza. Free admission.
‘Rest in Peace’. By Thea Hvistendahl (Norway, 2023). Cycle Anem al cine. 20.30 hours at Multicines Eivissa.
Cooking workshop with Ibizan potato, by Marga Orell. 20 hours at the bar of the third age of Sant Miquel.
Noseamontonen. Argentine rock quintet. Sant Josep is Music. 7 pm at Can Jordi Blues Station.
Black Leaves. Soul. Sant Josep is Music. 8 pm at Cas Costas.
Sant Antoni: 18.30 hours: Lighting of the lights and the Christmas tree by the elves Mirtel and Triste and Adrián Pineda’s Estuidio de Danza, with the show ‘Sant Antoni en Navidad’. Carol singing by the schools of the municipality. 21 hours: Villanrock Concert.
Sant Joan: Lighting of the lights with carols of students from schools and saxophone quartet of the Escola de Música. Concert by Esta me la sé, children’s activities, chocolate, lunch. From 6.30 p.m
‘Eivissa per la pau. No a la guerra'[Eivissaforpeace
19 hours: ‘La paraula nua’: poetry recital with the intervention of the poets: Julio Herranz, Carles Fabregat, Iolanda Bonet, Eva Tur, Marià Torres, Mario Riera, Bartomeu Ribes, Juan García-Gatica and María Prats. Music: Caen Botto (guitar). End of the day with the performance of the Cor Ciutat d’Eivissa, directed by Miguel San Miguel Fuster. Far de ses Coves Blanques of Sant Antoni
Concert solidari. Concert and barbecue in solidarity with those affected by the DANA in Valencia. From 6 pm in Sant Ferran. With performances by Javi Farias, Sur, Dj Pharma and Buty. Collection of non-perishable food and clothing (cash donations will not be accepted) in the parish hall of Sant Ferran.
Óscar Avendaño, former member of Siniestro Total, presents at Can Jordi Blues Station (6.30 pm) his first book ‘I have it on vinyl!
Vudu Delta. Ibiza Rock. 21.30 hours in the JazzTaBe room in Vila.
Contacontes Coeducatius de Vila. hi ha res més avorrit que ésser una princesa?’, by Raquel Díaz Reguera. 25N events. Children from 2 to 12 years old and families. Free participation. Registration at or 971 397600 ext. 24261. 6 pm at Casal d’Igualtat de Vila.
‘Celeste’. Children’s theater by Sonrisas mágicas for 25N. Recommended for 4 to 9 years old. 18 hours at the Teatro Espanya in Santa Eulària.
‘Mari Pompas’. The great-granddaughter of Mary Poppins offers her superpompilistic show. At Can Ventosa at 6.30 pm. Duration: 50 minutes. From 4 years old. Price: 2 euros.
Festival Mal del Cap
Cinema: Screening of the short films selected for the competition at the Can Jeroni cultural center and talk about the series ‘En fin’, with its director, David Sainz, and screenwriter Enrique Lojo. From 6 p.m
L Jornades de Cultura Popular de l’IEE (Popular Culture Conference of the IEE). ‘Uc. Cançons d’Eivissa, 50 anys després de la seua aparició’. Members of the group Uc: Isidor Marí Mayans, Joan Marí Muñoz Moreno i Victorí Planells Lavilla, as well as Pere Planells Bonet, author of the covers of the two albums of the group. Presented by: Amèlia Torres Roig. 8 pm at Sa Nostra Sala de Eivissa.
some herbs with… Charo Ruiz’. Interview with the Adlib fashion designer by Montse Monsalve. 20 hours at the Ebusus Cultural Society. Reservations at
‘I survived GBS’. Humor show with the comedian Jordi Merca. Over 14 years old. 21.30 hours at the Pereyra Theater of Ibiza.
‘Walking Among Dreams. Presentation of the book by Ana V. Vide Jennings, by the author. 6 p.m. at Sant Jordi library. Free admission. Registration at
‘The front page’, by Billy Wilder (USA, 1974). V.O.S.E. Guest: Cristina Martín, director of Diario de Ibiza. Cinefórum ‘Fiction / reality’ of the UIB. At 6.30 p.m. at the headquarters of the UIB.
Three screenings: 18, 18.45 and 19.30 hours:
Inauguration of the Christmas Festivities with a welcome show with characters, dancers and projections on the Portal de ses Taules, in the Mercat Vell From 7 pm to 9 pm: Bouncy castles in Paseo de Vara de Rey.
Sant Antoni:
11 am: opening of the Mercat de Nadal.
12 noon: Inauguration of the Santa Claus booth.
12:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00: La Fireta de Nadal.
13.30 hours: Marching Band through the streets of the village.
5pm to 8pm: Opening of the Santa Claus booth.
21 hours: Music4Life concert at the Mercat de Nadal.
I Fira des paradís gastronòmic de sa patata eivissenca. Contest of dishes prepared with Ibizan potato, dj, children’s workshops, performances by Paco Fernandez and Simple Rock. Sofrit pagès popular prepared by the neighborhood association Anàrem a Sant Miquel. From 12 pm to 8 pm at Sant Miquel square.
‘Eivissa per la pau. No a la guerra’. Dance-performance: Gabriela Barberio, Romina d’Angelo and Lucas Pereyra with ‘Ecos de pau’. Performance: Lina Ardiñach and Julia Fragua with ‘Endevina qui ve a sopar aquesta nit’. Contemporary dance with Claudia Roldán. Poetic interventions by: Marina Planells, Charo Navarro and Iván Álvarez on piano and Núria del Rio. 18.30 hours at the Far de ses Coves Blanques in Sant Antoni
Festival Eivissa Clàssica: Concert by Ether Ensemble, ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’ by Mussorgski with arrangements by Babiano. 8 pm at Can Ventosa. Tickets at
The Bo Derek’s. Old school rock. Presentation of their latest album, ‘Porca miseria’. From 9 pm at Teatro Ibiza. Free admission.
‘Churches of Ibiza and Formentera’. Presentation of the book by Elías Torres and Michael Moran. At 12.30 pm in the church of Sant Francesc Xavier de Formentera. Speakers include the architect and author of the book Elías Torres Tur, the philologist and author of the historical notes of the book Felip Cirer Costa, the justice of the peace of Formentera Andreu Ferrer Juan and the architect Marc Marí Mayans. Presented by Carmen Navas-Parejo, pre sidenta en las Pitiüses del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Balears (Coaib).
Solidarity Scrapbooking
Children for children. Scrapbooking Christmas card workshop for the benefit of children affected by the DANA in Valencia. By Scrap Ibiza. From 10 to 13 hours in the parish hall of Jesus. Price: 10 euros per person and 5 euros for the second person of the same family. No registration is required. Bring, if possible, a pair of scissors.
Sa Nostra Flower Formentera
From 16.30 to 19 hours:
Mini Flower, with workshops, face painting, bouncy castles, children’s entertainment, snacks, chocolate.. 7 pm: Opening ceremony with ballada pagesa flower and proclamation. From 8 p.m. to 4 a.m: Music with djs Pharma, Jaume Colombàs, Greixonera… Costume contest, bar service with snacks and drinks, VIP parking for vintage vehicles.
‘Let’s row all together’. Gala of the Magic Association of Ibiza and Formentera for the benefit of the victims of the DANA in Valencia through the Red Cross. 6 pm at the Teatro Espanya in Santa Eulària. Tickets at 10 € at the box office.
‘Rafal Trobat, an indret paissatgístic prop de Sant Jordi’. Excursion guided by the botanist and environmental educator Jaume Espinosa. 3 to 4 hours, 4 to 5 kilometers. Bring food, drink and appropriate clothing and footwear. From 6 years old. Registration at Meeting at Can Bellotera at 10 am.
Manos Unidas. Lunch for the benefit of Manos Unidas at 2 p.m. at the Santa Gertrudis Restaurant.
Festival Mal del Cap
Closing: Closing party and awards ceremony for the winning short films, with concerts by Ruda and Tiburona. From 12 noon at Can Jordi Blues Station, and the party will continue at Malafama bar in Vila, with Dj Don Flúor.
‘Suicide Squad’. Cycle Cinema Jove. 19.30 hours at the Can Jeroni Cultural Center in Sant Josep. Free admission.
Self-defense masterclass.
By Joaquín Fernández. Green room next to the offices of the Santa Eulària Sports Center. Free activity with previous registration at ’23 kg. Stories of women who sustain life’. Microtheater and colloquium. 11 a.m. at the Casal d’Igualtat de Vila.
‘Alice in Tangoland’. Show that fuses circus and tango with acrobats, jugglers, clowns… and dancers. 8 p.m. at the Pereyra Theater in Ibiza.
Sant Antoni:
12 to 14 and 17 to 20 hours: La Fireta de Nadal and opening of the Santa Claus booth.
Christmas market. At the Sant Rafel racecourse. From 10 am to 2 pm. There will be face painting, storytelling, workshops and many surprises.
Festivities of Forada
10 hours:
Mass in honor of the elders. 11 am: Mostra Folklòrica Arrels Vives with the performances of sa Colla de Buscastell and Coros y danzas El Trigal Cascón de Torresandino (Burgos), in the marquee. 13 hours: Tribute to the elderly in the tent.
Disability Day
I Inclusion Party. At Antoni Albert i Nieto square, from 10 am to 3 pm. Workshops: theater, screen printing, gardening, sign language, giant wooden games, recycling, Braille… all morning. In addition, scheduled activities: urban dance (10 am), dance (10.45), pilates (11.15), inclusive race (12), seated gymnastics (12.45) and salsa (14).
‘Alice in Tangoland’. Show that fuses circus and tango with acrobats, jugglers, clowns… and dancers. 6 p.m. at the Pereyra Theater in Ibiza.
‘My sister and I’. By Attípico theater association. IV Season of Amateur Theatre Pedro Cañestro. 8 pm in the auditorium of Cas Serres. 8 € in advance at, 12 at the box office. Season tickets for several shows.
Cycle touring routes in Eivissa: Eivissa-Sa Carroca-Es Codolar-Platja d’en Bossa. 28 km. Easy. Departure at 10 a.m. from the Abel Matutes boulevard in Vila. Information at or 971 397549.
Solidarity Christmas walk. Route to support cancer patients and their families of IFCC. Departure from the bar Flotante de Talamanca at 10.30 am. 7 km. Easy.
‘Vermouth at 45 rpm’. Vinyl records with dj’s Rocker Stomp, Javi Box, Álex Forada and Ric Jazzbo. From 1.30 pm at Passeig de ses Fonts in Sant Antoni.
‘Recordant la infància’. Concert by the Cor des Pla de Jesús. Donation to benefit the Red Cross for the victims of the DANA. Teatre Espanya.
Canya al vers. Three poets, Maria Daven, Xisca Morro and Fàtima Anglada, present their writings in a ‘poetic game’ in which the public makes the decisions. At 12.30 p.m. at Es Vermell Café de Vila.
‘Viu un matí en el 1940!’. Day of traditional family activities at the Can Toni d’en Jaume Negre estate. Organized by GEN-GOB Eivissa. Free entrance. Reservations at
Christmas Collective Exhibition at Espacio Micus. Works by Adriana Meunié, Ruzá Spak and Vicent Ferrer Barbany. Opening on Sunday, December 1 from 11 am to 3 pm. Open Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment at 971191923. Until April 2025.
Christmas Collective in Formentera. Works by 15 artists based in Formentera. Inauguration Monday, December 2 at 7 pm. From 11 am to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 8 pm, Sundays, holidays and Monday mornings closed. Until January 6.
Pedro Asensio. Paintings. Exhibition of Ibizan art ARTNT. Filmòtica Studio, Ignasi Wallis, 8, Eivissa.
‘El jardí de Posidó. La posidònia d’Eivissa i Formentera’. Photographic exhibition on posidonia by the collective Es Blau. Sa Nostra Sala, c/Aragó, 17, Vila. Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1.30 pm and from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Until December 13.
‘Isla de sal’. El.Rol Artworks exhibition. Bronze paintings and sculptures. Cultural Center Can Jeroni de Sant Josep. From Monday to Sunday from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm and from Thursday to Saturday from 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Until December 8th.
Doralice Souza. ‘Road to Ithaca’, paintings. Ebusus Cultural Society of Vila. Until November 30.
Diana Bodea. ‘Univers’, paintings. Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Centro Cultural de Jesús. Until November 28th.
10 years of graphic art Mal del Cap. Exhibition of posters of the festival. Can Jordi Blues Station. Until November 30.
‘Sargantanes’. Collective exhibition with works by Pitiusan and Mediterranean artists of Art amb B. From Tuesday to Friday from 5 to 7.30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. in the Es Polvorí room in Dalt Vila. Until November 30.
Frederic Belli. Paintings. Refectori de Dalt Vila Hall. From Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 12.30 pm. Until November 29th.
‘5180 Un viatge a la memòria’. Photographs by Pere Català i Roca, Dick Coates, Wolfgang Wicher, Helga Sittl, Melba Levick and Reinald Wünsche. Far de la Mola de Formentera…
Felix Semper. ‘Stretch your imagination’, flexible sculptures and paintings. Obra23 & Nina Vagic gallery of the polygon of Can Bufí de Vila. Until January 10. Previous appointment at 661330127.
Charles Burnex. Paintings. From October 26th to January 7th at the Gallery Also in Santa Gertrudis.
Hippy Market of Punta Arabí. Crafts and products from all over the world, gastronomy, live music, children’s area, since 1973. Punta Arabí, es Canar, Santa Eulària. Wednesday from 10 am to 6 pm.
Hippy market in Cala Llonga. Crafts and accessories. Every Thursday from 18 to 22.30 hours. Live music from 7.30 pm. From May to October.
Sant Josep: Market of local produce and crafts. Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm until October 23. Children’s activities and live music.
Sant Joan: Craft market, clothing, accessories and local products. Children’s activities and live music. Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm.
Las Daliascrafts, clothing, accessories and products from all over the world. Sant Carles. Saturdays from 10 am to 7 pm and Sundays from 11 am to 6 pm.
Market of sa Cooperativalocal product kilometer 0. Every Friday from 9 am to 2 pm at the Agricultural Cooperative of Sant Antoni.
Sant Jordi: Second hand market. Every Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm at the Hippodrome de Sant Jordi.
Forada: Market of artisan products and gastronomy of Ibiza. Every Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.
Second hand market of Sant Francesc: Tuesdays and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm in the Jardí de ses Eres. All year round.
Market of Sant Francesc: Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. In July and August Monday and Tuesday also from 20 to 0 hours. From May 1 to October 31.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.