An amusing compilation of typical island situations that only those who live here know from the blog and other Ibizan blogs.

1. Have you ever in your life gone to eat a tuna and olive sandwich at the Mercat Vell. If not, you don’t have time to go running. They are delicious.

2. You visit villages that you haven’t been to for years (San Mateo, Santa Inรฉs) only when someone from outside comes to visit you and you have the feeling that you are also doing tourism.

3. They steal your beaches. Yes sir. Tourists, beach bars and beach clubs. The resident of the island thinks it is a nonsense that in summer there is not a square meter of sand to lie down quietly.

4.There is always someone who calls you and asks you to “find him a place to stay in August because he has decided to come to Ibiza for five days, but there is not a single free bed in the whole island! You recommend them to visit Teruel.

5. If you have not been to Bar Costa in Santa Gertrudis you can say that you are not from the island. You are almost nobody.

6. You know, and even use from time to time, words like “mursian”, “guiri” and “peluts”.

7.You were against the Sant Antoni highway but now you think it has been a blessing.

8. The perspective on the distance is different. Sant Antoni de Ibiza is very far away, and Sant Josep de Santa Eulร ria is like traveling abroad and you think a hundred times before making the trip.

9.You feel very sorry for the fact that you hardly see women dressed in the typical Ibicencan costume anymore and when you were a child you thought they were an “outdated antique”.

10. You spend your life explaining to people who don’t live on the island that in winter it’s not like the Canary Islands, that it’s cold here (not to mention humid) and sometimes it even rains.

11. You never agree with the season you’re in. In winter you’re bored and dying to see more liveliness and in summer you can’t wait for it to be over so the island will be half deserted.

12. In winter you go on vacation to Thailand or Indonesia and most likely you will end up meeting someone from the island. So that this does not happen to you the next destination can be Australia.

13. When you catch the eternal and daily traffic jam on the road to Santa Eulร ria you think that’s why you live in Madrid or Barcelona. And if it is Wednesday, you flagellate yourself for not having remembered that that day there is a street market in es Canar.

14. When you travel to the mainland you tell everyone how good life is here. When you are in Ibiza you see all the bad things. Islander syndrome, as they say.

15. When you pass through the Jesus traffic circle you can’t help but say to your companion, “Have you shat yourself yet”?

16. When you were young you had the rear window of your car with a lot of disco stickers. As you get older you only have the ‘baby on board’ one.

17. You make plans a month in advance to go to Formentera, when it’s an hour away by boat.

18. You explain to everyone that the all i oli from here is the authentic one, that’s why they repeat three days.

19. Sometimes, when you are out of the island and they ask you where you are from, when you hear that you are from Ibiza they answer: “And what do they do there in winter?”.

20. You’ve gotten used to calling the capital, Ibiza, Vila.

If you think there is one missing… tell us about it!

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